Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 Tips for Healthy Living

I found this article on yahoo (Click on the title to read it) and though it isn't only about the mind, body and spirit, I thought these simple tips were very useful. As we strive to reach wellness, we must continually be monitoring each dimension of ourselves. If we are only strengthening our intellectual selves, we are not complete. The key is balance and doing all we can with the knowledge we have to strengthen each dimension in achieving complete well-being.

The link above will direct you to mypyramid.gov where you can find information on what your body needs individually. You can find out what types of foods and exercise will help you reach your optimal level physically, mentally and spiritually.

Find Beauty in Life

Find beauty in everything around you. Nature is beneficial for the mind, body and the spirit... It makes our hearts sing. Not only earthly beauty, but find beauty in doing what you love. Everything that is good is of God; therefore, do the good things that you enjoy. Doing what you love, whether it be hiking, singing, running, acting, blogging, yoga or even juggling is beneficial for all dimensions of our health. Find happiness in doing good and enjoying beauty.

Look at beautiful pictures of the outdoors by clicking on this link: outdoors

It's spring! That means that it's hiking season. This link: Top 10, describes the top 10 hikes around Utah County. Take a look!

Focus on the Present

A wise man once said, "I am an old man and I have had many problems... Most of which haven't happened. So often we worry about things that we don't need to worry about. Usually, after the event or problem that was worrying us is over, we wonder why we were so stressed about it. Things usually work out. So what we need to do more often is focus on the present. When we catch ourselves worrying we should ask ourselves, "Is anything threatening me this very moment? The likely answer is no, rarely is there a threat in the present. Check out these links to find great ideas and quotes about living in the present:

How to live in the present
4 easy steps

Health World

I found this mind body health website and it has a bunch of really useful information including games, exercises, assessments, health articles, columns, and therapy centers. Click on the title (Health World) to take a look!

This website, Health, has recipes, surveys, articles and tons of other health information to give you ideas and motivation to help your mind, body and spirit feel their best.

Happiness, Your Heritage

This talk by Dieter F. Uchdorf was given at the Relief Society General Meeting in fall of 2008. He focuses on two thing: being compassionate and creating beauty. What great and simple truths we can apply in our lives to attain happiness. You can read this talk by clicking on the title. Enjoy!

If you're ever feeling down or even if you just want to feel even happier, this website is filled with quotes on what happiness is and how to attain it- Happiness Quotes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Losing Sleep Over the Economy?

Much of the world is giving into the effects of stress and that number is only increasing as the world faces the current financial crisis. I thought this video was very applicable to all of us and reminds us that in order to remain healthy, we must remember to take care of our minds and spirits or we will see the physical consequences (like inability to sleep, etc.)... Not to say that medication isn't necessary in some circumstances. Many of our problems can be alleviated through taking care of our complete selves. A couple of the most interesting things I learned from this video are that 1/3 of Americans are losing sleep over economic worries and that $56 million dollars are currently being spent on sleeping prescriptions.

Going right along with this video, I found an article called "Recession Depression Becomes Real as Many Struggle For Financial Survival." Due to the struggling economy, many people are also struggling to find happiness. If you read it, make sure you don't become one of them : ) We can still find much to be grateful for and happy about during difficult times.


It has been said that "Wellness is the dance of life." We attain wellness when we have harmony between all five dimensions of our health. As we learn more and more about health, we are learning more and more that the body and the mind are one. For example, 19 million Americans suffer from disorders related to fear. Also, 80-85% of the physical problems people experience could be alleviated and in some cases, healed, if they did not have mental health issues that contribute to their disease. In order for our bodies to be well, our minds and all other dimensions of our health need to be well. I hope this blog may help you to think more about how you are treating your mind, body and spirit and help you in developing habits that will create a more complete you. Check out these great websites on how you can achieve wellness!